Gnome-Objc and dialogs. 2nd try.

Are the maintainers listening??  I've posted a few messages about 
gnome-objc and never a hint of response.  It's rather strange.

First I want to thank the maintainers for the new release of 
gnome-objc-1.0.2.  Good job people.

I would like to request a change.  When one uses a Gtk_Dialog one 
must use the following piece of code to get to the dialogs vbox or 
action area.

vbox = [Gtk_VBox makeGtkVBox:GTK_VBOX(faxFileDialog->gtkdialog->vbox)];
action_area = [Gtk_VBox makeGtkVBox:GTK_VBOX(faxFileDialog->gtkdialog->action_area)];

This really does go against the whole spirit of Obj-C.  I would 
like to request the following change.

vbox = [faxFileDialog getVBox]; and
action_area = [faxFileDialog getActionArea];

Straight forward, simple and follows the object oriented nature of 

- - -- 
George Farris - VE7FRG           E-Mail :
G.M. Systems,                  Web page :
2570 Seaview Road,            Phone/Fax : (250)743-1500
Mill Bay, B.C., Canada
V0R 2P0                       We do pre-installed Linux systems.
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George Farris - VE7FRG           E-Mail :
G.M. Systems,                  Web page :
2570 Seaview Road,            Phone/Fax : (250)743-1500
Mill Bay, B.C., Canada
V0R 2P0                       We do pre-installed Linux systems.

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