guname: cast problem with fsusage info


There is a problem with guname. In the fsusage message %ld format is
used, but without explicit cast for parameters. I am sending the patch
for this problem.


Index: moreinfo.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-utils/mini-utils/guname/moreinfo.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 moreinfo.c
--- moreinfo.c  1999/02/15 04:59:58     1.18
+++ moreinfo.c  1999/02/26 14:39:15
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@
         len = strlen (device_info_format) + (MAX_ITOA_LEN * 5);
         s = g_malloc(len);
         g_snprintf(s, len, device_info_format, 
-                   BLOCKS_TO_MB(fsusage.blocks),
-                   BLOCKS_TO_MB(fsusage.bavail), 
-                   BLOCKS_TO_MB(fsusage.bfree), 
-                   fsusage.files,
-                   fsusage.ffree);
+                   (long) BLOCKS_TO_MB(fsusage.blocks),
+                   (long) BLOCKS_TO_MB(fsusage.bavail), 
+                   (long) BLOCKS_TO_MB(fsusage.bfree), 
+                   (long) fsusage.files,
+                   (long) fsusage.ffree);
         fs_info[fs_numbers] = s;
         percent_full = g_malloc(sizeof(gdouble));

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