Re: [gnome-db] Strange error

On 5/4/06, Diego Zuccato <diego otello alma unibo it> wrote:
Diego Zuccato wrote:
> Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
>   serial 1771 error_code 8 request_code 147 minor_code 3
> Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
>   serial 1775 error_code 8 request_code 147 minor_code 3
> These messages are printed when I call glade_xml_new(file, rootnode).
Just checked on the other machine: the "invalid arg name" messages are
there, just not the Gdk-ERROR.
Now I don't know where to bang my head ! :(

Mandrake 8.2 is quite old and binary incompatibility can be difficult
to track, so I'd advise you to do a port using more recent versions of
libgda and libgnomedb.

The best would be to use versions >= 1.9.102 which have a much
improved API and functionality.

Just my 2c tip,


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