[gnome-db] What about GdaQuery?

I'm trying to create a simple example to a Tutorial in the Wiki, and now I'm following the next steps:

1. Open a GnomeDbLoginDialog, then the user select the Data Source (in the Tutorial, the SalesTest default source), the username and the password (in SalesTest is leaving with out blanck by the user).

2. Uses the data from the point 1, to open the connection:
    a) Create a Client
    b) Creae a Connection with that client, using the DSN, username and password from the GnomeDbLoginDialog
    c) Check if the connection is opened

3. Load the XML dict file and update it:
    a) Try to open the default XML file: $HOME/.gda/DICT_<data source name>_default.xml
        For SalesTest will be: $HOME/.gda/DICT_SalesTest_default.xml
    b) If the load fails, set the file name using: gda_dict_set_xml_filename
    c) Update the XML dict (in the example, to ensure the integrity of the data, before show any data the program updates the Dict)
        Use the gda_dict_update_dmbs_data

4. Create a Query:
    a) Create a Query with a SQL command using: gda_query_new_from_sql

And Now?

If I try to set the data returned by the Query to a GnomeDbGrid, I found that Query isn't a GdaDataModel or isn't a GdaDataModel derived Object, then I can't use: gnome_db_grid_new becouse it require a GdaDataModel, How Can I Get One? Do I need a GdaCommand and run the query, if it then What about GdaQuery?

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