[gnome-db] patch: gda-postgres recset


Attached a patch for the postgres provider. The append-row recset method
needs to up the total number of rows in a data model. The attached patch
takes care of that. 

Further it includes all changes in the same file as send yesterday (not
to complicate roll-ins). It is a diff against the latest version in cvs.


--- providers/postgres/gda-postgres-recordset.c.orig	2005-01-06 19:19:12.000000000 +1000
+++ providers/postgres/gda-postgres-recordset.c	2005-01-07 15:43:51.423767492 +1000
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 static gint gda_postgres_recordset_get_n_rows 		      (GdaDataModel *model);
 static const GdaRow *gda_postgres_recordset_get_row 	      (GdaDataModel *model, gint rownum);
 static const GdaRow *gda_postgres_recordset_append_row        (GdaDataModel *model, const GList *values);
+static gboolean gda_postgres_recordset_remove_row 	      (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row);
 static gboolean gda_postgres_recordset_update_row 	      (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row);
 static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@
 	model_class->get_value_at = gda_postgres_recordset_get_value_at;
 	model_class->get_row = gda_postgres_recordset_get_row;
 	model_class->append_row = gda_postgres_recordset_append_row;
+	model_class->remove_row = gda_postgres_recordset_remove_row;
 	model_class->update_row = gda_postgres_recordset_update_row;
@@ -313,10 +315,119 @@
 					  gda_postgres_make_error (pg_conn, NULL));
 	row = GDA_DATA_MODEL_CLASS (parent_class)->append_row (model, values);
+	/* up the total number of rows */
+	recset->priv->nrows++;
 	return row;
 static gboolean
+gda_postgres_recordset_remove_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row)
+	GdaPostgresRecordset *recset = (GdaPostgresRecordset *) model;
+	GdaPostgresRecordsetPrivate *priv_data;
+	gint colnum, uk, rm_rownum, i;
+	PGresult *pg_res, *pg_rm_res;
+	gchar *query, *query_where, *tmp;
+	GdaPostgresConnectionData *cnc_priv_data;
+	PGconn *pg_conn;
+	gboolean status = FALSE;
+	GdaValue *value;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (GDA_IS_POSTGRES_RECORDSET (recset), FALSE);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (recset->priv != NULL, FALSE);
+	g_return_val_if_fail (row != NULL, FALSE);
+	priv_data = recset->priv;
+	pg_res = priv_data->pg_res;
+	cnc_priv_data = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (priv_data->cnc),
+	pg_conn = cnc_priv_data->pconn;
+	/* checks if the given row belongs to the given model */
+	if (gda_row_get_model ((GdaRow *) row) != model) {
+		gda_connection_add_error_string (priv_data->cnc,
+						_("Given row doesn't belong to the model."));
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	/* checks if the table name has been guessed */
+	if (priv_data->table_name == NULL) {
+		gda_connection_add_error_string (priv_data->cnc,
+						_("Table name could not be guessed."));
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	query_where = g_strdup ("WHERE TRUE ");
+	for (colnum = uk = 0;
+	     colnum != gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model);
+	     colnum++)
+	{
+		GdaFieldAttributes *attrs = gda_data_model_describe_column (model, colnum);
+		const gchar *column_name = PQfname (pg_res, colnum);
+		gchar *curval = gda_value_stringify (gda_row_get_value ((GdaRow *) row, colnum));
+		/* unique column: we will use it as an index */
+		if (gda_field_attributes_get_primary_key (attrs) ||
+		    gda_field_attributes_get_unique_key (attrs))
+		{
+			/* fills the 'where' part of the update command */
+			tmp = g_strdup_printf ("AND %s = '%s' ",
+					       column_name,
+					       curval);
+			query_where = g_strconcat (query_where, tmp, NULL);
+			g_free (tmp);
+			uk++;
+		}
+		g_free (curval);
+		gda_field_attributes_free (attrs);
+	}
+	if (uk == 0) {
+		gda_connection_add_error_string (priv_data->cnc,
+						_("Model doesn't have at least one unique key."));
+	}
+	else {
+		/* build the delete command */
+		query = g_strdup_printf ("DELETE FROM %s %s",
+					 priv_data->table_name,
+					 query_where);
+		/* remove the row */
+		pg_rm_res = PQexec (pg_conn, query);
+		g_free (query);
+		if (pg_rm_res != NULL) {
+			/* removal ok! */
+			if (PQresultStatus (pg_rm_res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
+				status = TRUE;
+			else
+				gda_connection_add_error (priv_data->cnc,
+					 		  gda_postgres_make_error (pg_conn, pg_rm_res));
+			PQclear (pg_rm_res);
+		}
+		else
+			gda_connection_add_error (priv_data->cnc,
+						  gda_postgres_make_error (pg_conn, NULL));
+	}
+	g_free (query_where);
+        /* remove from data model by removing the data from the row and unsetting row id */
+	if (status == TRUE) {
+		for (i=0; i<gda_data_model_get_n_columns (model); i++) {
+			value = (GdaValue *) gda_row_get_value( (GdaRow *) row, i);
+			gda_value_set_string (value, "NULL");
+		}
+		gda_row_set_id ((GdaRow *) row, "R");
+	}
+        return status;
+static gboolean
 gda_postgres_recordset_update_row (GdaDataModel *model, const GdaRow *row)
 	GdaPostgresRecordset *recset = (GdaPostgresRecordset *) model;

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