Re: [gnome-db] Gda and Mono Bug

On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 11:46 -0500, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
> Some other know about the bug # , about the problem in
> GdaValue, in the next explanation, some other find the
> solution!, but the problem is the SourceGenerator. I
> found it parses the structs and enum, but not the
> unions; it must be implemented in the
> script to work properly (sorry, but I try to learn
> about perl, but I'm on the aerly stage, then I can't
> help too much).
> Does any can help about?
> The following notice have been sent to the gtk-sharp
> and momo-bugs mailing list, but any talks about.
ok, I've just asked Gonzalo (one of the Mono hackers), and he told me to
try this: in gda-value.h, right now, there is:

typedef struct {
        GdaValueType type;
        union {
                gint64 v_bigint;
                guint64 v_biguint;
                gpointer v_binary;
                GdaBlob v_blob;
                gboolean v_boolean;
                GdaDate v_date;
                gdouble v_double;
                GdaGeometricPoint v_point;
                GObject *v_gobj;
                gint v_integer;
                GdaValueList *v_list;
                GdaMoney v_money;
                GdaNumeric v_numeric;
                gfloat v_single;
                gshort v_smallint;
                gushort v_smalluint;
                gchar *v_string;
                GdaTime v_time;
                GdaTimestamp v_timestamp;
                gchar v_tinyint;
                guchar v_tinyuint;
                GdaValueType v_type;
                guint v_uinteger;
        } value;
        glong binary_length;
} GdaValue;

Could you change it to do:

typedef struct _GdaValue GdaValue;
struct _GdaValue {

That could make the parser read the struct correctly, as Gonzalo says.
Can you try it and let us know if that's the case? If so, I'll commit
the change to CVS for both 1.2 and 1.3.x versions.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

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