Re: [gnome-db] Changing a field definition

On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 18:02 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> gda_data_model_update_column() seems to be a way to change the column
> definition. But I think the data_model needs to be one with data in it,
> such as the result of a "SELECT" command.
it doesn't need to be filled in with data. What is needed is the
structure of the data model, which only can be retrieved by knowing
which command is going to be executed.
Then, as providers usually only fetch the data when needed, it means you
get the model's structure without the need to retrieve all the data.

It will be as quick as doing the get_schema stuff, since in both cases
you'll have to do a SELECT, and in the model's case, you wont retrieve
any data at all (if not needed).

also, btw, update_column does not work on 1.0.x.


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