Re: [Fwd: Re: [gnome-db] mergeant help]

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 22:21, Jack Coates wrote:
> no, but it could theoretically have persisted from one of the older
> installs (that was the recommended format for ~/.gda/config). I can now
> connect, but it's having trouble seeing the table space. Here's stdout:
> Position 0: Expected 16, got 17
> (mergeant:10699): mergeant-WARNING **: The provider has returned the
> wrong 
> number and/or types of data
> for the TYPES schema description.
> Please contact the provider's maintainer and report the problem.
> Position 0: Expected 16, got 17
other people have reported this error, but I haven't been able to find
the cause. What versions of postgres, libgda, libgnomedb and mergeant do
you have?

If you are brave enough, you can try to debug mergeant, set a breakpoint
on gda_postgres_provider_get_schema, and see what is the SQL command
being executed for the schemas. That should give us the cause of the
problem. It seems to be a version mismatch in one of the packages

Could you try to do that debugging?


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