Re: [gnome-db] HIG issues

On Fri, 2 May 2003 17:57:45 +0200
Axel Krauth <krauth fmi uni-passau de> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm using mergeant as found in Debian's unstable (0.11.0). While using it I
> encountered inconsistencies of mergeant with the HIG. This is list is
> definitely not complete I wrote just the most prominent ones. 
> The .html-Files mentioned in parentheses are the HIG-files that explain/
> recommend the specific issue. 
> 3) Authentication window for connecting (windows.html#alerts-authentication)
> - There is a stock item for authentication windows
> - An authentication window is an alert window. This implies that is has no
>   title and the default keyboard navigation is as follows:
>   - Okay/Connect not enabled until all fields have been filled by the user.
>   - When the user presses Return, move focus to the next field instead of
>     activating the default button, unless the field is the last one. In that
>     case, activate the default button.

What is not obvious, and probably should be, is that the username
and password fields are optional - they may be left blank if:

1. The database provider doesn't do username/password authenticaton, or
2. The data source concerned has the username and password stored.

So, the "Connect" button does need to be enabled with just the data
source chosen.

It may be possible to detect when a user could leave these fields
blank and not ask for them, but at the moment a user can override the
username/password specified in the data source configuration, for example
to receive a different set of privileges on the database concerned.


> First, this is a confirmation alert so it shouldn't have a title. There is
> also a stock item for this, the stock warning icon (but I'm not quite sure 
> whether - when you see it - you'll like it. Remember why Gnome recommends
> stock items). The recommended button combination for Quit is "Cancel&Quit" 
> not "Yes/No". You have an appropriate quit dialog when connected to a DB
> (well, besides the fact that it has a title).

I am not convinced that mergeant is setting the title on this window - unlike
the authentication window, this one doesn't appear in the window list.  Have
you used other applications within the same gnome session that have
displayed windows with no title?


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