[gnome-db] Lightweight libgnomedb (libgdaui)


Now I'm taking close look on libgda and libgnomedb as database layer for
my application. Unfortunately app should work on Win32 first and on Unix
lately. There exist ports for Win32 of libxml2, gtk+-2, libgda. But
libgnomedb has too deep dependence on Gnome (libgnomeui, bonobo). At the
same time as i understand many widgets in libgnomedb have dependence
only on gtk+. At some point libgda was made lightweight (and it was
good). What's about to make some ui for libgda same lightweight with
only gtk+ dependence?
I see two ways:
1. "Cleaner" way is to create libgdaui and to make wrappers for it in
2. Modify libgnomedb to make configure time check for libbbonoboui and
to compile dependant code only if that library present. But in some
cases it can cause binary incompatibility (?).

Can you see reasons in such lightweight libgda UI library?


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