[gnome-db] GdaParameterList ignored? Ownership of GdaParameter. g_object_unref.

libgda: 0.8.193
postgres: 7.2.1

I am trying to run a simple parameterized (is there even a word like that?)
query and expected this to do the trick, however the GdaParameterList
argument to gda_connection_execute_single_command seem to be ignored
as model contains my full table after running this piece of code.  Did I miss
something here?

// initialize db
// [...]

int id = 1;

GdaCommand *c = gda_command_new("select id, name from accounts", GDA_COMMAND_TYPE_SQL, GDA_COMMAND_OPTION_STOP_ON_ERRORS);
GdaValue *v = gda_value_new_integer(id);

GdaParameter *p = gda_parameter_new("id", GDA_VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER);
gda_parameter_set_value(p, v);

GdaParameterList *pl = gda_parameter_list_new();
gda_parameter_list_add_parameter(pl, p);

GdaDataModel *model = gda_connection_execute_single_command(db.get_connection(), c, pl);                                         

Trial and error suggests that GdaParameterList takes ownership of GdaParameter
upon gda_parameter_list_add_parameter(), that should probably be documented in

It would also be nice if a paragraph on g_object_unref could be added to the
tutorial, most other objects have a free function while model is an exception
and use g_object_unref().  Perhaps a note could be added in the
libgda-gdadatamodel.html as well?

Btw, the latest revision of the html docs are really nice!

Allan Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

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