[gnome-db] 0.8.199 release


As we planned, the list for bugs needed to be fixed for the 0.9 version
(follow the link in http://www.gnome-db.org/news.php#D20020823) is
almost empty.

So, this means I will be preparing a 0.8.199 release, after which I will
branch CVS and have HEAD continue with the current development (new
features, bigger fixes, etc) and the new branch being only for
bug-fixing of the 0.8.199 release, which, after some testing, will
become 0.9, which will be released some weeks after 0.8.199.

I think we are in good shape for this 0.9 release. Of course, there are
a lot of things still to do, but those will be addressed in the post-0.9

If somebody has some issues/complains/whatever, please talk. If not,
I'll do the 0.8.199 release and CVS branch tonight or tomorrow (= as
soon as Carlos confirms that bugs #71325 and #71326 can be closed). If
you've got something really important (and tested :-) to check into CVS,
please do it ASAP.


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