Re: [gnome-db] 0.2.93 and gASQL

Rodrigo Moya wrote:

Well after this gasql simply sits there, dead in the water. But if course it turns out that it's not just gasql, gnomedb-fe behaves similarly: It finds all the tables in the database (that's a remote MySQL database) but when I switch to `views' I get: unknown schema type, error number 0 and when I click on a table we crash (well. gnomedb-components crashes), with the following messages in the terminal:

in that case, that's a known bug in the MySQL provider, which does not
support very well some types. Don't you prefer to use PostgreSQL, which
works far better in gnome-db/gASQL? :-)

Well, I had considered to switch to PostgreSQL for other reasons, but I really don't want to go through the trouble of moving all those tables.

Unfortunately, the stable version (GNOME 1.x) of libgda is not going to
be fixed, unless you can provide a patch :-(
Ohh. Well, unfortunately I am too busy with gnumeric to do anything about this. Perhaps at some later time.

This is due to the fact
that we are concentrating on the GNOME 2 version, and that we've got no
time to hack in both branches


Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow Assoc. Prof of Mathematics
Concordia University College of Alberta

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