Re: XmlQuery and GOB

Vivien Malerba wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:56:30AM +0200, Gerhard Dieringer wrote:
> > >
> > > The 4th one is a bit different since the rendering should be done by the
> > > provider itself (otherwise you can't generate SQL-like which is specific to a
> > > provider, or maybe is it generic SQL92 that you want to generate here?)
> >
> > Generating generic SQL92 could be the default, if a provider doesn't provide it's own diallect.
> Ok, then we need to be able to tell the library which provider is concerned,
> and if the provider offers the service to convert into his own SQL like language,
> then use it.

yes, a big change in the IDL, so we'll take advantage of this to, at last, add all the modifications we
want in the IDL. That is, the date intervals you said the other day, a method to send XML queries to
the providers, and this.

> > What about defining a gensym- or sequence-object with (at least) the two methods
> > currval und nextval, that creates unique strings, for exapmle "id_0001", "id_0002", ....
> > This can be used to define the id for the table (nextval) and the idrefs for the fields (currval).
> Wouldn't that be a bit complex for the user of the library (I mean having to record
> which id was affected to which element,...) Maybe we could create a document head
> (for any kind of query) which references database elements such as tables, views,
> sequences,... used in the query.
> These elements would have IDs assigned in any way (yours or mine),
> and then when in the query we need to talk about a table, we just need to have its
> id (and nothing more because the table information is already in the document head).
> The user would, to build a query:
> use the same functions you thought about, using only element names. The library
> would know if an element is already declared, and otherwise declare it. This
> processus is transparent to the user.

yes, I think waht proposes Vivien is a better solution.

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