Re: trying to get gnome-db installed

Daniel Hauck wrote:

> Forgive my newbieness but I am having some problems installing the packages
> for gnome-db.  I have downloaded the latest install RPMs and have a mostly
> stock RedHat 6.1 installation with helix gnome installed.
> The error I am encountering is about a missing "" file.
> Is this an oversight on my part?  I see that "" is present
> on my system, but not "...1"  What cna I do to overcome this problem.  I
> have scanned the installation notes and FAQs and saw nothing regarding this.
>   Help?

This is a small bug in the RPMs. To solve it, just:

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
rpm -Uvh --nodeps gnome-db....rpm

Don't be afraid about the '--nodeps', since as you've got 6.1 and helix gnome,
it will work with no problems.


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