RE: speed of grids

	Why don't you create a separate thread for the purpose of loading the data.
	This thread would load the data synchronously (while somemore do ..) but
asyncrosously from the user point of view.


-----Message d'origine-----
De: []De la part
de Rodrigo Moya
Date: lundi 20 mars 2000 15:52
Objet: Re: speed of grids

Madarasz Karoly wrote:

> Hello!
> Finaly I compiled with success gnome-db.0.0.91.
> In gdafe I make a select to my database,and the data rows
> appears in the grid very slow: 9-10 per second.
> So I must wait 10 second for my 100 rows select.
> After that I can walk up - down in the grid normaly.
> What was wrong?
> I have linux 2.2.15 on P-MMX166, 32M-RAM.

There's nothing wrong. The thing is that the data is loaded asynchronously
by calling a timeout function every 100 ms (so 10 per second). I know it
is an ugly solution, but I couldn't think of a better one at that moment.

But while the data is loading, you can continue working with other screens
(and walk up and down in the grid).

Somebody knows a good solution for asynchronous loading?

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