Re: gnome-db & bonobo

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000 21:17:56 you wrote:
> Von:  Rodrigo Moya <> am 13.03.2000 21:17
> Hi!
> I started yesterday at last to study bonobo. I've started with the GDA
> manager, which as we talked, will be a bonobo container for embedding
> the config components.

I've also started this week :)

> I've started just coding the container part (gda-mgr itself), but for
> the components I'd like to have all common code shared between all the
> config components. Right now, I don't know if there'll be code to share
> or whatever, we'll see.

so I have just to code a widget - nothing bonobo-specific to care about?

> I think this simple struct (just loading a widget or a component, and
> letting the component do all the work) is enough for what we've talked.
> or not?


> Stephan had something done about the oracle config (as shown in the
> screenshot). As soon as I understand the bonobo components, this will be
> used to test the stuff, ok?

okay - if you have the gda-mgr-code please mail me ASAP.



"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
                                                        John Lennon

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