New gda Sybase provider


Having started with the gda-sybase provider, i have a few questions.

1. Could someone please add gda-srv/gda-server-init.c to the anoncvs tree?
I could not find it in yesterday's cvs; it's even not mentioned in 
gda-srv/CVS/Entries (checked out before a minute again, nothing). 
Please check if there are any further files forgot 
to cvs add, this was the one the compile bailed out. ;-)

2. How far is the command_new/command_free stuff in gda_svr? Is it ready to
be used?

3. Ah, and how do i generate an OAFIID for a new provider (the hex idstring
defined with <oaf_server iid=""> in the .oafinfo file), or where can i 
find information about it?

So far, the gda-sybase provider is able to connect and disconnect to/from
the sybase server, within gnome-db 0.0.96. The error handling is ugly
and will drop any connection on the smallest error which could ever happen.

I just don't know how to tell sybase's libs to connect to a specific port;
at least it's not in Open Client-Library/C Programmer's Guide. I even did
not find an apropiate way in the includes; anybody has a guess how to do it
with ocli-lib? If not, one has to set the DSQUERY/DSPORT environment
variables before executing a gnome-db application - that worked for me.

Within gnome-db cvs from yesterday evening, the compile bailed out at
gda-srv/gda-server-init.c. I also did not find it in ealier versions.
So i tried to compile without OAF (i.e. undefining USING_OAF and linking
against gnorba). However, i cannot make any connection to a database. Gda-fe
stucks within the Open Connection dialog, when initiating a connection.
A gda provider is launched each time one clicks on ok, once you have clicked
ok you may come out of the dialog canceling, but cannot exit gda-fe properly
and have to kill it. I tried the following providers: gda-odbc-srv, 
gda-postgres-srv and the rewritten gda-sybase-srv. Within gnome-db-0.0.96 any
of these providers works fine, also with undefining USING_OAF and linking 
against gnorba.

Within the next weeks i'll start writing the callback handlers and remove
forceexits on failures whereever possible. After that comes the recordset
stuff, enabling queries. When this is ready, schemas and transactions will be

I'll send the source to Rodrigo now.


Operator excuse of the instant:
network packets travelling uphill (use a carrier pigeon)

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