Icons are not working?

I've recently installed Xdarwin on my OS X box.
My windowmanager is Sawfish.
It's working great except for one weird thing.
If I try to add an app (for instance: gkrellm) to the panel I cannot add an icon.
Even if I try to edit the Icon for Gnome Controll Center the original icon of this button is changed to a default icon.
I think it has something to do with a bad symlink or something.
- on *nix it's always : /usr/local/share/pixmaps
- on os X it's : /sw/share/pixmaps (yes, i'm using fink)
So the problem is: my icons are screwed up if I try to edit one.
If I try to add a new app, the icon doesn't work.
P.s.: I'm fairly new to mailing lists and *nix :)
Thanks in advance...
Ton Dekker

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