Is anyone out there?

Hi All,

Is anyone out there? I'm really interested in getting the GNOME desktop to build nicely on Darwin without the major modifications seemingly required right now - I know this is a huge job, but I'm sick of the lagging support, and I'd really like to see GNOME have the same level of support KDE does on Mac OS X. I know fink has some experimental 2.2.0 packages, but they are still lagging somewhat, and I'm not completely happy with fink's reorganisation of various setting directories, etc.

My skillset isn't completely up to this task (at least not single-handedly), but if there are still any über-coders lurking on this list, I'd be interested in organising some sort of TODO list of what builds and what doesn't. I think this is a worthwhile task (especially given the gtk+-osx project).

Even a point in the direction of someone who has started this would be a great help...

Tony Arnold
	tonyarnold objc-source org

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