Re: New to Gnome Question

On Monday, July 1, 2002, at 08:31  PM, Al Szymanski wrote:

Ok, here goes. jacob berkman says that this is a working list so... maybe one of you foks can answer a few of my multitudes of questions. To preface: I have downloaded/purchased and installed all of the following:
All of the Gnome packages from the MacOSXGNU CD May2002 edition
XFree86Complete - 4.2.0
xalf 0.12.1
OroborOSX v0.75a4r2
ORBit 0.5.8
and about a ton and a half of other pieces that got installed with these
I had Enlightenment on, but used OSXPM to remove.

What I want is to have a good, solid window manager that supports Gnome so that I can make use of Gnome specific apps.

Q1 ) which wm is the 'best' currently on the Darwin/MacOSX/XFree86 that will support Gnome. Where can I go to find the answers.

i assume you're using gnome 1? most people were using sawfish with gnome 1. i don't know if anyone's used it on os x though. i currently use metacity with gnome 2 on both my macs - works fine.

Q2) given the above wm, how do I configure it to fully support Gnome and panel etc?
	When I launch XDarwin, I come up in twm

i use:

jacob localhost:jacob$ cat .xinitrc
. ~/.bashrc
exec ssh-agent gnome-session &> ~/.gnome-errors

Q3) this is philosophical, I guess. My experience with *nix's has be always a joy ( as much as a chore ) and always had a 'guru' to call upon when I screwed something up ( not often... but it did happen :) . With the XFree86 and X windows stuff being so solid, why does it seem that getting it up and running on the OSX so difficult. Is it just Too New? or is there some really odd stuff to deal with. I admit it, I am more of a user than anything

i think it's mostly that most people coming from the free software side of things that would be into doing this stuff are still putting linux on it, rather than using os x. and those that try using os x might not know enough to get things working...

 - jacob

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