[gnome-cyr] Re: 2 little politically charged characters

Hi all

Finally, I found the approach to the layout indication which I see as
the best one:

GSwitchIt will use three-letter country code (ISO 3166) wherever
possible. The codes are in first-uppercase format except for
abbrevations USA, GBr, LAm. Though, some layouts do not correspond
directly to some country (or have obsolete ISO codes like Yugoslavia).
Some of them are related to the languages which have some three-letter
codes in ISO 639-2, otherwise they are handled specially (sure, without
collisions with any existing TLC):

ar      Ara  (iso 639-2)
ben     Ben  (iso 639-2)
dvorak  Dvo 
guj     Guj  (iso 639-2)
gur     Pan  (iso 639-2) 
dev     Hin  (iso 639-2)
iu      Iku  (iso 639-2) 
la      LAm
ml      Mal  (iso 639-2)
ogham   Ogh
ori     Ori  (iso 639-2)
se_FI   Sme  (iso 639-2)
se_NO   Sme  (iso 639-2)
se_SE   Sme  (iso 639-2)
tml     Tam  (iso 639-2)
tel     Tel  (iso 639-2)
yu      Yug  (iso 3166, obsolete)
sapmi   Sme  (iso 639-2)

These three-letter codes are a bit easier to understand than two-letter
ones. Still, they are not unique (and I do not really think it is THAT

Also, these codes are i18nable (like almost all xfree86.xml strings) -
so translators can provide translations or leave original ISO-based

Any comments/objections are very welcome.

> An even simpler approch is to use a GtkNotebook with 
> set_show_tabs (notebook, FALSE); and set_show_border (notebook, FALSE);
Cool! I will go for it!



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