Re: [gnome-cyr] Новые шрифты для ghostscript

четвртак, 31. јул 2003. 23:26:10 CEST — Alexander Kirillov написа:
Из новостей на сайте

...we're very pleased to be able to recommend an updated free
postscript font set, based on Valek Filippov's work.

...In addition to improved hinting, the set now includes cyrillic
glyphs added by Filippov.


Сколько я понимаю, RedHat и Mandrake (не говоря уж про ALTLinux) давно шрифты с кириллицей - но теперь это стало "официальным"
стандартным набором поставляемым с ghostscript. Давно пора.

Does anyone know if this also includes the updated Serbian cyrillic glyphs?

It's pretty annoying hearing "bug reports" about cyrillic not working correctly when "т" shows up instead of "ћ" (and many similar "special effects"), because fonts are incorrect. I've sent not very high-quality glyphs a long time ago, but they were at least better than what was in there.

If Valek didn't decide to include the improved glyphs, I guess it's better to remove them altogether (rather than leave these nonsense characters), so Pango and similar software could pick up the better glyphs from other fonts.


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