[gnome-cyr] [Bug 80585] Changed - impossible to enter cyrillic

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Changed by kirillov math sunysb edu 

--- shadow/80585	Mon May 13 03:53:33 2002
+++ shadow/80585.tmp.8087	Mon May 13 11:44:58 2002
@@ -54,6 +54,27 @@
 Option       "XkbOptions"    "grp:shift_toggle"
 Or use the command:
 setxkbmap -option grp:shift_toggle ru
 in GKB.
+------- Additional Comments From kirillov math sunysb edu  2002-05-13 11:44 -------
+I do not know enough about variants, so I can't comment here.  But the
+problem seems to be that "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru" contains
+2 groups, Cyrillic and English - and it is the English one that is
+used by default. So to get Cyrillic, you need to toggle groups *after*
+ setxbdmap ru command. I know that - but my father (or almost any 
+person without knowledge of internals of X11) wouldn't; he'd expect
+that once you have selected "Russian" in GKB, you'll immediately get
+Cyrillic.  And I think this is the way GKB should work - no grepping
+symbols file to see the list of groups, no editing XF86Config. 
+May I suggest a way to achieve this? Create our own symbol file, based
+on /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ru, but which has Cyrillic as the
+first (default) group, and modify the GKB command to be "setxbmap
+/path/to/our/file". Do you think it will work? Creating the modified
+file is trivial, but I do not know much about syntax of setxkbmap
+command. Of course, the same can be done for all other non-iso8859-1

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