[gnome-cyr] [Gnome-print] PATCH: support freetype (fwd)

 Блин, слава Богу докрутили gnome-print, и кажется поддержку tff прикрутили!

 Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 03:53:31 +0900 (JST)
From: Akira TAGOH <tagoh redhat com>
To: gnome-print ximian com
Subject: [Gnome-print] PATCH: support freetype
X-Mailer: Mew version 2.0 on XEmacs 21.5-b2 (artichoke)
Organization: Red Hat Japan, Inc.


Right now gnome-print doesn't support the multibyte
environments. so that I believe that gnome-print will
support all of languages by these patches.

However I'm sorry. these patches is too big!!
Please download it from here:


Well, these patches characterized in that:

- used freetype of course.
- converts TrueType fonts to Type1 fonts
  the existing code can handle TrueType fonts like Type1
  fonts. if gnome-print needs .afm, the new function in
  these patches will give us the structure which include the
  same information. and if gnome-print needs .pfb, it will
  return only indispensable the glyphs because TrueType font
  is too big.
- needs the font cache
  when it is input new characters, it needs to regenerate
  .pfb which is converted from TrueType font. and this cache
  must be certainly held until the application is
  finished. and so I prepared two functions.

  - gnome_print_freetype_init ()
  - gnome_print_freetype_finish ()

  these functions is necessary to use at beginning of
  application and the ends.
- too big unicode table
  Right now gnome-print has halfway unicode table. it serves
  as the hindrance using gnome-print in other
  languages. However since these patches had all unicode, it
  became the cause by which size became big. it will be
  necessary to fix this issue.

If you get interested in these patches, please comments.
I hope that you merge these patches to CVS.

Akira TAGOH :: at gclab org
               tagoh gnome gr jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
               tagoh gnome-db org / GNOME-DB Project
               tagoh redhat com   / Red Hat, Inc.

Gnome-print maillist  -  Gnome-print ximian com

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