Re: Problems building CVS libbonobo with jhbuild

On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 16:49 +0100, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
> A Ter, 2004-07-27 �16:45, Keith Sharp escreveu:

[ snip ]

> > Ok, I am really confused now!  I checked my different Makefile/.am/.in
> > files and they have the above.  I then decided to try and build the last
> > stable release from source (2.6.2).  I downloaded the source, ran
> > "jhbuild shell", and then did a ./configure && make - built first time.
> > 
> > I then did a diff on,, and activation-server/
> > between 2.6.2 and CVS HEAD, aside from some new translations
> > in there is no difference between the versions.
>   In that case, the difference must be somewhere in your autotools.  You
> could try 'jhbuild bootstrap' to install the recommended auto* tools.

Hmm, this is what I did:

jhbuild bootstrap
jhbuild update
jhbuild build -a -c -n

Using anonymous CVS, building moduleset 'gnome28' and modules 'meta-

Is there anyway to tell which versions of the autotools were used to
create the 2.6.2 release?



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