Re: Can't connect control to activate signal

A Seg, 2003-10-13 ās 14:06, Matthew J Hicks escreveu:
> I have been trying to create a control with a menu structure that will
> merge into my container's menu (and hopefully Nautilus's menu) with no
> luck.  So far, I have been able to create a very simple container (source
> not included to keep the email shorter) that can merge controls with menus
> such as the GNOME_EOG_Control.  I have also created my own
> GNOME_Test_Control but unfortunately, it's menu does not merge with my
> container's menus.  The widget label is displayed in the container - only
> the menu merging doesn't take place.  I have looked through the
> documentation, but haven't found any simple examples of menu merging.
> I think that the problem is that my activate callback is not being called.
> I put some debug statements in the libbonoboui package and the "activate"
> signal is being emitted, but just not received in my control.  I have tried
> the gtk_signal_connect and the g_signal_connect methods, but neither appear
> to work.  If someone could help me out, I would really appreciate it.

  Yeah, I've run into the same problem in the past.  I ended up
connecting to the "set-frame" signal (copying EOG's example, I think). 
I'm not 100% sure that I'm doing the correct thing, but it works well. 
Here's my python handler for set-frame, and I'm sure you can easily
translate that to C:

    def __set_frame_cb(self, control):
	frame = control.get_control_frame()
	if frame is None:
	    uic = control.get_ui_component()
	    ui_component = self.get_ui_component()
	    bonobo.ui.util_set_ui(ui_component, '',
				  gnumexp_conf.UIDIR + '/Numexp_Console-ui.xml',
	    verbs = [
		("ViewDefinitions", self.__view_definitions_toggle_cb),
		("Modules",         self.__modules_cb),
		("MathMLOutput",    self.__mathml_output_toggle_cb),
	    ui_component.connect('ui-event', self.__ui_event)

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
<gjc inescporto pt> <gustavo users sourceforge net>

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