[Fwd: Re: commit: AbiWord is now a Nautilus View.]

MArk Finlay <sisob eircom net> wrote:
> 1. "View as Abiword Component" - hmm could possibly be given a better
> name, but I'm just nit picking.

I think "View as Abiword Document" is the most appropriate label here.

> 2. Should nautilus views be full blown editing applications or just, as
> the name suggests - a viewer that lets you look at the file before
> opening it in the app to edit it. I'm not sure, maybe someone else on
> the nautilus list can comment.

I agree with Alex and Dave that it is not good idea to enable users to
edit documents through Nautilus. I think it would be very confusing for
users who are used to opening an application to edit a file.

And if it was possible to edit documents from Nautilus, we might have to
reconsider the term "view".


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