CORBA-equivalent of bonobo_ui_component_set_container()

As part of the Bonobo In C++ effort, I'm taking the first few steps
towards converting the bonoboui_hello example to C++. I'm finding that
some of the C wrapper code is more than just syntatical sugar - it
messes around with the internal data structures of the stubs. That makes
it difficult to know how to do the same thing with only the CORBA

If anybody has written similar code in a non-C language (perl, or
python, for example) then that might be helpful to look at.

At the moment I can't find a CORBA-only equivalent of these lines at the
end of bonobo_ui_component_set_container():

  bonobo_ui_component_unset_container (component, NULL);
  component->priv->container = ref_;

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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