Oaf race fix patch ...

Hi Guys,

	I just committed a set of fixes to bonobo-activation, at least I'm
hoping they are fixes. The race fix is inelegant, and deliberately
breaks some of the more useless functionality of bonobo-activation to
get to a reasonable solution without massive code changes & re-writing.

	The patch is here, please have a read if you're interested and tell me
how stupid I am:


	Otherwise, I'd appreciate people using HEAD oaf and seeing if their
system gets hosed, since I'm hoping to release soon. It'd be
particularly valuable to have some Evolution / Nautilus people using
this. I'd appreciate knowing if you are using it, and if there are any
problems - or better, if there are no problems :-)

	The same fix set ( but with substantially more code cleanup ) is in
bonobo-activation, Dan - this should stop multiple wombats (eg.) being
activated when starting evolution, hopefully it will also come near
addressing the composer activation problems - but perhaps that's a vain


 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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