Re: List of available Bonobo controls?

On Sat, 2002-04-13 at 17:05, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 20:08, jacob berkman wrote:
> > look in the bonobo-control/bonobo-widget stuff in glade's gnome2 branch.
> I'd like to, but:
> [root localhost cvs]# cvs co -r gnome2 glade
> cvs [server aborted]: no such tag gnome2

i didn't mean that the branch was named 'gnome2'.  anyway you should
have done cvs status -v which would say that it's called
'gnome2-branch' or something.

"don't get me wrong, i think that radiohead are amazing. i love their
 music and i love their ethos, but that thom yorke guy always seems to
 be complaining." -- moby

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