Re: bug (?) in libbonobo that is breaking evolution

On Wed, 2001-09-12 at 18:29, Michael Meeks wrote:
> On 12 Sep 2001, Jon Trowbridge wrote:
> > I'll discuss this with one of the gtk guys to see if they have any
> > ideas.
> 	I suspect they'll say "don't process events there" which is quite
> right, but not helpful for us; but have a see.

OK, I've done more research, I've figured out what is going on (I
think).  What is actually going on is pretty obvious... I feel fairly
silly for missing it before.

The idle function that starts this all isn't allowed to re-enter, so the
first lines of the code are

  if (foo->locked)
    return TRUE;
  foo->locked = TRUE;

to explicitly block re-entry.  When processing events, bonobo keeps
calling that idle function, which refuses to go away.

I'm going to try to figure out how to make the function in question
properly re-entrant, which would take care of this problem.


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