Control lifecycle thoughts ...

Hi Darin,

	I've been considering the lifecycle issues - and coming up with an
improved method for Gnome 2.0; and I'd greatly appreciate your comments on
my thoughts, in libbonoboui/doc/control.txt



A discussion of a control's lifecycle - 0.1
  Michael Meeks <michael ximian com>

* Overview

	With a control we have a relatively complicated situation,
with several Bonobo and Gtk objects all associated loosely. It is
important to codify carefuly what is involved in the various

        ControlFrame <-> Socket
             ^             ^
             |             |
           CORBA           X
             |             |
             v             v
        Control <------> Plug

* Creation interaction (A)

	1. Control creation
	2. Passes it's reference
        3.                       _control_frame_new
	4.			 creates ControlFrame
	5.			 creates Socket
	6.			 _control_frame_bind_to_control
	7.			 takes a B. Control ref.
	8.			 Control->setFrame
	9. takes a C. control_frame ref
	10.			 Control->setWindowId
	on socket realize:	 Control->setWindowId

* Steady state referencing

        ControlFrame: GObject ref -> Socket
	Socket: Bonobo ref -> ControlFrame

	ControlFrame: CORBA ref -> Control
	Control: CORBA ref -> ControlFrame

	Control: GObject ref -> Plug
	Plug: Bonobo ref -> Control

* Destruction interaction (B1)

	Toplevel gtk_widget_destroy.

	1.                       Socket dispose
	2.			 unset control
	3.			 B. unref Control

	4. connection broken    <--.
and:			           | interchangeable Note 1.
	5. X connection broken  <--'

	6. unref plug -> dispose
	7. plug unset control frame
	8. plug B. unref ControlFrame

	finalized plug, unref Control
	finalized socket, unref ControlFrame

** Note 1.
	  X connection broken invokes 'destroy' on plug.
	  CORBA connection broken invokes 'broken' on
	  When we have both - track in the Control; unref plug.

* Destruction interaction (B2)

	Fatal error: ControlFrame dies.

	1. Fatal ControlFrame error;

	B1 - 4,5,6,7,8

	finalized plug, unref Control
	finalized socket, unref ControlFrame

* Destruction interaction (B3)

	Fatal error: Control dies.

	[ don't destroy socket, it holds our place
	  in the widget hierarchy for any re-started
	  control ].

	1. Fatal Control error;
	2.                       connection broken    <--.
and:			   interchangeable Note 2.       |
	3.                       X connection broken  <--'

** Note 2.
	  X connection broken yields no signal.
	  CORBA connection broken invokes 'broken' on
	  When we have both - track in the ControlFrame; unref socket.

* Destruction interaction (B4)

	Client remove of Control (?)

	Minority usefuleness; FIXME - work out.

* Size request interaction (CX)
* Size request interaction (CB)
* Sensitivity interaction ()

* CORBA connection 'broken' signal

	This signal is totaly unaffected by CORBA reference counting,
and will happily leave an object with a broken connection - but we'll
get a nice signal.

	We only get this signal using Unix Domain Sockets - FIXME,
check whether this is at all portable - are we notified by poll of
broken connections on Solaris etc. or do we need periodic ping
evilness there; if so - can we use some other mechanism.


	Consider the effect of extraneous Bonobo or CORBA refs on both
the Control and ControlFrame references - and their affect on the
destruction sequence.

	Consider the local case - are there any obvious optimizations
possible / neccessary here; we don't get a 'broken' signal, but we get
Gtk+ signals instead. We can reliably detect this by a lack of
connection on the Bonobo_Unknown references though. [ unless we have
invoked an async method on them ]. But also possibly from
plug->socket_window and socket->plug_window [ these may race ].

 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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