Re: Committed patch to bonobo-activation

ERDI Gergo wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> > Another approach is to replicate the libbonobo-activation logic in
> > Java (as MonkeyBeans did), but this is risky and unsupported.
> if you are only interested in getting objects (and not in providing your
> own factory), then the only thing you need to replicate from
> libbonobo-activation is getting the IOR of the OD (i.e. reading
> /tmp/orbit-$USER/reg.idl:foo_whatever), and I guess even this could be
> eliminated by registering the OD at the CORBA Naming Service or whatever
> it's called (it's been a long time since I read up on OAF-like
> technologies in CORBA proper)

I think there has been discussion before that bonobo-activation
components should register (or the activation service should register
them) with COSNamingService.  That provides a standard mechanism for
obtaining CORBA services, which though not as flexible as bonobo, would
probably do.

We would like to be able to query for various bonobo services from Java,
eventually - for instance, what services implementing
IDL:Accessibility/TextToSpeech:1.0 are there? or
IDL:Accesibility/Magnifier:1.0 ?

But the first one we need is IDL:Accessibility/Registry:1.0, which may
not already be running, thus we need bonobo's activation capability.



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