dot-oaf style questions


If some style questions about .oaf files:

- shouldn't oaf files use the <?xml version="1.0"> to be well-formed?
does anybody care?

- <!-- comments --> in .oaf files are not allowed, although they would
be quite useful; any work being done to add support for comments?

- in my /usr/share/oaf i see many oaf files that have
"IDL:Bonobo/Unknown:1.0" as one of their repo_ids; that doesn't seem
correct; either the corresponding components *do* expose Bonobo/Unknown
(which seems rather pointless), or else they don't in which case the
.oaf files are wrong. Note that exposing e.g "Bonobo/Control" does *not*
mean you're automagically exposing Bonobo/Unknown (although of course
Bonobo/Control derives from Bonobo/Unknown.

- Has anybody succeeded is using xmllint on .oaf files? What are the
magic command line parameters? I think we somehow need to specify the
document type in the .oaf files (?). Now, I get:

% xmllint -noout --valid --loaddtd  \
        /usr/src/cvs/bonobo-activation/docs/bonobo-activation.dtd \

/usr/src/cvs/bonobo-activation/docs/bonobo-activation.dtd:5: error:
xmlParseStartTag: invalid element name
<!ELEMENT oaf_info (oaf_server+)>
/usr/src/cvs/bonobo-activation/docs/bonobo-activation.dtd:5: error:
Extra content at the end of the document
<!ELEMENT oaf_info (oaf_server+)>
/usr/share/oaf/Nautilus_shell.oaf:1: validity error: Validation failed:
no DTD found !



Dirk-Jan Binnema, djcb djcbsoftware nl,
pgp fp:  BB49 41D7 053D E5F1 F333  586E C530 CBC3 4352 A39F

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