Re: Build problem (+ patch)

On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 05:31:25PM +0200, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > Unless I'm missing something obvious, it appears that the patch below is
> > required to build libbonobo (HEAD). At the moment, it tries to rebuild
> > orbit-idl, but that is an executable that already exists elsewhere on
> > the system, so things go a bit wrong. Removing the dependency from the
> > Makefile fixes things.
> >
> > Comments? Can somebody bless this?
> This is a wanted dependency. It triggers a rebuild if you install a new
> version of orbit-idl.

Ahh .. makes sense. :-)

In this case, don't we want the full path to orbit-idl in $(ORBIT_IDL)?
At least on my system, it only puts orbit-idl there, which is in my
$PATH, but make complains of not having any target to build it (which I
assume means it isn't finding it). So what am I overlooking now?


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