Re: gdk-pixbuf and mime-types


On 07 Jun 2001 12:17:44 -0400, jacob berkman wrote:
> On 07 Jun 2001 08:16:38 -0700, Darin Adler wrote:
> > An API for this would be a good addition. But that still doesn't allow the 
> > .oaf file to contain the proper list of MIME types, so gnome-vfs (and 
> > hence Nautilus) can't be told which types of files the eog component can 
> > handle. If we are going to fix this problem, it might be nice to fix it in 
> > a way that solves this aspect of the problem too.

I agree with this. The way to solve this is the way in which the CORBA
Trading Service solves the same problem: dynamic properties.

Basically in the .oaf file you would have:

<oaf_attribute name="bonobo:supported_mime_types" type="stringv"

And when supported_mime_types was queried for, it would activate the
factory and request a GNOME/OafDynamicProperty. ::evalProperty would be
called and passed the property name being queried for, and the typecode
of the result expected. 

The OafDynamicProperty impl could then query gdk-pixbuf (through yet to
be determined means :) and return the result, which would accurately
present which mime types EOG can support, plugins and all.


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