OAF patch

Hi everyone,

Here is a patch from Peter, and I need the permission from Maciej or Darin to commit it?

- Dietmar

Peter Williams wrote:

Hi Michael (and Dietmar),

On 04 Jun 2001 06:47:28 -0400, Michael Meeks wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>       Many thanks for the patch, and thanks for bringing the problem to
> our attention - how daft that we still use gnome-config.
>       Sadly though we will not pick up oaf files if oaf is installed in
> a different prefix, so we need to work out how we can get this information
> from pkgconfig / configure into the Makefile.am. Can you look into doing
> that and send a patch to Dietmar ?

I'm not entirely sure that I'm addressing what you're talking about
("oaf files" = IDL files, right?), but I believe the attached patches to
OAF and Bonobo do what you want...

Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/oaf/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.149
diff -u -r1.149 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   2001/05/31 09:21:18     1.149
+++ ChangeLog   2001/06/04 19:52:16
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2001-06-04  Peter Williams  <peterw ximian com>
+       * oaf-2.0.pc.in: Add a datadir variable, so people can find where
+       we install our IDL.
 2001-05-31  Dietmar Maurer  <dietmar ximian com>
        * test/oaf-slay: use ps -U, else we kill arbitrary processes
Index: oaf-2.0.pc.in
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/oaf/oaf-2.0.pc.in,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 oaf-2.0.pc.in
--- oaf-2.0.pc.in       2001/05/04 08:52:52     1.4
+++ oaf-2.0.pc.in       2001/06/04 19:52:16
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 exec_prefix= exec_prefix@
 libdir= libdir@
 includedir= includedir@
+datadir= datadir@
 Name: OAF
 Version: @VERSION@

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