Re: will the Bonobo Clipboard be accepted to be a part of the GNOME 2 API?

I realize that this requires a daemon or something... But from a UI
perspective it is very important that the clipboard retain data even
after the application from which the data is snitched disappears. I
don't know whether this would influence the design of the Bonobo part of
the clipboard or not, I just thought I'd mention it.


On 28 Jul 2001 22:48:34 +0200, ERDI Gergo wrote:
> Hi,
> The Clipboard is, of course, an area where the more applications use it,
> the more sense it makes. I know I began implementing it relatively late,
> but I'd like to know if it's possible to make it a part of GNOME 2. 
> The current code is checked into CVS, in module bonobo-clipboard.
> The IDL is not going to change (at least I hope so<grin>). The C API is
> not really developed yet as this would need some testing with the
> singleton monikers I'd like to use, but monikers are not working on my
> machine ATM. But it is going to be something really simple, nothing which
> you couldn't do with the equivalent CORBA methods.
> The design and the way it will work from an end-developers point of view
> can be found in several mails on the gnome-components list, which I will
> summarize when I get to preparing the first release.
> Bye,
> 	Cactus
> -- 
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