Re: Towards better OAF/Bonobo integration

> * We would Bonobo::Unknown IDL interface from the libbonobo module to
> the oaf module.

And presumably it would continue to maintain that name, given the renaming of OAF, right?
> * All of OAF's IDL interfaces, public and private, would be changed to
> inherit from the Unknown interface.

excellent, that's useful independently of this (though I guess that would require 
duplicating Bonobo::Unknown otherwise)

> * All of OAF's IDL interfaces, public and private, would be moved into
> the Bonobo:: namespace.
> * OAF would be renamed to bonobo-base to recognize it's role as part
> of the Bonobo component model.

> Comments, anyone?

This makes a lot of sense, its a wonder if wasn't done ages ago ;-) Are
you looking at GNOME2 for this? Because with a change of this magnitude
(even if making the change is relatively simple...) it seems like it
would be inappropriate for GNOME 2.2.


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