Re: Bonobo::Storage questions

ERDI Gergo wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently I have everything but ::rename and ::copyTo implemented:
> [gnome2] 13:28:18 [cactus galaxy tests]$ ./test-storage-mem
> creating storage:       passed  '/foo'
> creating sub-storage:   passed  '/foo/bar'
> creating stream:        passed  '/foo/bar/baz'
> creating stream:        passed  '/foo/quux'
> opening stream:         passed
> opening missing stream: failed: IDL:Bonobo/Storage/NotFound:1.0
> getInfo (storage):      passed
>                                 name:   foo
>                                 type:   storage
> getInfo (stream):       passed
>                                 name:   quux
>                                 type:   stream
>                                 mime:   application/octet-stream
> getInfo (root):         passed
>                                 name:   '/'
>                                 type:   storage
> listContents:           passed
>                                 bar/
>                                 quux
> erase (non-empty strg): failed: IDL:Bonobo/Storage/NotEmpty:1.0
> erase (stream):         passed
> erase (empty storage):  passed
> getInfo (dltd stream):  failed: IDL:Bonobo/Storage/NotFound:1.0
> But I am having problems interpreting what ::rename and ::copyTo can do.
> Can you ::rename something by also relocating it? (i.e. can you rename
> /foo/bar/baz to /foo/quux/dude?) Or does it only work inside the same
> storage? Or only on toplevels?

I think it should have POSIX semantics, see:

> man 2 rename

(and it works only inside the same storage).

> Also, can you ::copyTo to a storage contained within the orignial storage?

You don't need to implement that for your class. It is already implemented in

- Dietmar

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