Can a no-control implement PropertyBag?


I'm trying to implement the interface Bonobo::PropertyBag in a component
which is _not_ a Bonobo::Control, but its "main" interface inheriths from
Bonobo::Unknown. I have made a simpler example and attached the tarball.

I have had troubles implementing PropertyBag. What I have done is:

1. Added:

	<item value="IDL:Bonobo/PropertyBag:1.0"/

   to the .oafinfo file.
2. Added:

	impl_bonobo_propertybag_get_prop (BonoboPropertyBag *bag,
	                                  BonoboArg         *arg,
	                                  guint              arg_id,
	                                  gpointer           user_data)
	       /* do nothing by now */

	impl_bonobo_propertybag_set_prop (BonoboPropertyBag *bag,
	                                  const BonoboArg   *arg,
	                                  guint              arg_id,
	                                  gpointer           user_data)
	{       /* do nothing by now */

   to the component source code, and:

	property_bag = bonobo_property_bag_new
	if (!property_bag) {
	        bonobo_object_unref (BONOBO_OBJECT (echo));
	        return NULL;
	bonobo_object_add_interface (BONOBO_OBJECT (echo),
	                             BONOBO_OBJECT (property_bag));

  after calling bonobo_object_construct() on echo.

The client does not call any methods from Bonobo::PropertyBag, but it
calls methods from the Echo interface. When the client calls

	Bonobo_Unknown_unref (server, &ev);

to release the CORBA reference on the interface Echo, the following lines

	Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_signal_disconnect(): could not find handler (10)

	ORBit-WARNING **: PortableServer_POA_destroy not yet fully implemented;
	ignoring flags

	Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from (NULL) pointer to `BonoboObject'

and it sigsegv.

Attached is the tarball of the component.

I will apreciate any help on this. Thank you in advance!


Name:  Arturo Tena
email: arturo directmail org
ICQ:   63292893

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