Re: Monikers Patented?

Michael Meeks <michael helixcode com> writes:

> Hi Chris,
> On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, Chris Altmann wrote:
> > I know you guys are using Microsoft's monikers as a guide for your own
> > design and I thought you might want a heads up about this.
> 	Yes; this link is extremely interesting.
> >
> 	I'm no patent expert, and the language of the claims is rather
> impenetrable to me, there are several differences between our moniker
> implementation and MS' whether these are sufficient to clear us or not
> remains to be seen.

Once the GNOME Foundation is fully incorporated and has money to throw
around, getting patent attorneys to give advice about patents like
these (and ideally suggest small things to do differently that could
be used to work around them) might be a worthwhile way to use some of

 - MAciej

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