Re: Bonobo Clipboard 0.1 "Hey! It compiles!"

On 28 Aug 2001, Erik [ISO-8859-1] Bĺgfors wrote:

> Are these UTF-8 formated??  If so, must all clients support UTF-8? If
> not.. well.. how is that supposted to work??

good point.
can you do a PersistStream::save (stream, "text/plain; encoding: utf-8")
type of thing?
Anyway, I don't think there's anything I can do to a plain text stream
that I know nothing about (e.g. its encoding) to convert it into UTF-8.

Also, notice that I didn't include UTF8_STRING in the list of targets
mapped to text/plain. I believe TEXT and STRING are not required to be in
UTF-8 encoding.

   .--= ULLA! =---------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \     \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `---= cactus cactus rulez org =---'
Anyuuuuuuu! Ne inditsd el a centrifufufufufufufufufufufu

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