[patch] bonobo-marshal.c must be generated before being included

Even though bonobo-marshal.c sounds like a source file,
it's actually a file that's included by another source file.
So there must be a dependency to make sure it's generated before
it's included, just like for bonobo-marshal.h. The recent changes
to the libbonoboui Makefile.am need to be refined just a tiny bit
more to handle this correctly. Here's my attempt in patch form:

Index: bonobo/Makefile.am
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/libbonobo/bonobo/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -p -u -r1.49 Makefile.am
--- bonobo/Makefile.am	2001/08/08 18:42:16	1.49
+++ bonobo/Makefile.am	2001/08/08 19:01:27
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ libbonobo_src =				\
 	bonobo-running-context.c	\
-$(libbonobo_2_la_OBJECTS) : Bonobo.h bonobo-marshal.h
+$(libbonobo_2_la_OBJECTS): Bonobo.h $(marshal_sources)
 libbonobo_2_la_SOURCES =		\
 	$(libbonoboinclude_HEADERS)	\

    -- Darin

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