Re: [sigc] Re: [gtkmm] Bringing Bonobo to the masses :)

On 14 Sep 2000, Andreas Rottmann wrote:

> ERDI Gergo <cactus cactus rulez org> writes:
> > Bonobo-- will use Gtk--, so it will depend on libsigc++ anyway.
> >
> Yes, but isn't Bonobo something widget-set independent (with default
> to GNOME widgets, of course)? I strongly vote for seperating the
> GUI-dependent stuff into its own shlib, or whatever.

This is something the Bonobo-- developers will have to decide on. If we
want to wrap Bonobo implementations consistent with gnomemm (which is the
whole point), we will have to depend on gtkmm. You could separate a bonobo
implementation into non-X-specific and X-specific parts (the later
implementing stuff like Bonobo::Control or Bonobo::UIHandler), but for
bonobomm this wouldn't make sense since when you use Gtk::Object, you
already depend on gtkmm, which in turn depends on gtk+.

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