Re: oaf and bonobo background question

ERDI Gergo <cactus cactus rulez org> writes:

> On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, Dirk-Jan C . Binnema wrote:
> > 2) how does oaf relate to/compete with corba's implementation
> > repository? 
> Or the Trading Service

I don't know much about the IR, but I did read a bit about the trader
service. The two main differences that I see are:

1) The trader service gives you already existing objects only, it does
   not deal with activation at all.

2) OAF describes the attributes of the object as static XML data in a
   separate file, rather than as a series of CORBA calls to define and
   set each attribute; this tends to be more maintainable.

 - Maciej

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