Re: oaf async patch.

On Thu Oct 05, 2000 at 11:35:15PM -0400, Elliot Lee wrote:
-> On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, Dirk-Jan C . Binnema wrote:
-> > ->  
-> > -> +        interface ActivationCallback {
-> > -> +                oneway void report_activation_failed (in string reason);
-> > 
-> > Maybe a numeric errcode as well? That enables nice&fast
-> > switch logic to deal with error conditions. Oh, by the way, I've
-> > already fixed this in cvs ;-)
-> 1. oneway operations can't return values.
-> 2. Exceptions are the way to report errors in CORBA.

You misunderstood me.
I meant something like 
    oneway void report_activation_failed (in long errcode, in string reason);


          Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb dds nl> 
                 PGP/GPG fingerprint:
 BB49 41D7 053D E5F1 F333 586E C530 CBC3 4352 A39F

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