> I wonder how monikers for archive/storage files should work? OK, there is theI still cant see why this will work: In bonobo-moniker-file.c: (file_resolve) we do
> untar moniker:
> file:/tmp/test.tar#untar
> But why cant I request the storage interface directly from the file moniker?You do:
storage = bonobo_get_object("file:/tmp/test.tar", "IDL:Bonobo/Storage:1.0");
oaf_requirements = g_strdup_printf (
"bonobo:supported_mime_types.has ('%s') AND repo_ids.has
('%s') AND "
"repo_ids.has_one (['IDL:Bonobo/PersistFile:1.0','IDL:Bonobo/PersistStream:1.0'])",
mime_type, requested_interface);
So which component is activated (it should support IDL:Bonobo/Storage:1.0)?
- Dietmar