Re: where to put tar storage object...

> - that it should run as a separate process and go into
> components/. This makes sense if it grew -- miguel would like it to do
> lots of nifty caching of untarred files and the like.

  I think this is the way to go.  This way you can have a sort of tar
file server that can optimize access for all the files that are
contained in the same tar file.  For example, you don't have to re-open
and re-sync the tar file all the time, and multiple applications can
access the same archive concurrently without messing up.  

  (You can either have a per-file process, or a global process for all
the tarfiles.  I tend to think that the former is the way to go.)

  The same approach is very useful for networking monikers, that can do
global caching across different applications...  This is one of the
reasons why Monikers are cool, and make it possible to do things that
are not allowed with a more simple gnome-vfs-like approach.  :-)


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